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Cinco de Mayo Special: How to conquer Mexico as an ESL Teacher

Cinco de Mayo Special: How to conquer Mexico as an ESL Teacher

From the jungle-clad temples of Chiapas to the bustling streets and iconic roundabouts of Mexico City, Mexico truly has something for everyone. That being said, for those hungry to experience new cultures, languages, food, and adventures, the prospect of living and teaching English overseas can be both thrilling and intimidating. Most of us start off not knowing exactly where ...

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Alex’s ESL Journey (then COVID-19 struck)

When the Covid-19 pandemic took hold in early 2020, I was living and teaching on a small island off the coast of Taiwan. We were on holiday for the Chinese New Year when the news of a terrifying new virus broke. Of course, nobody knew at that point how seriously to take the news. Being on an island gave ...

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teaching english in 2021

Teaching English in 2021: Top ESL Job Opportunities

While the global COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted airlines and the travel industry as a whole throughout the year 2020, there are still a number of countries, predominantly in Asia, with a strong demand for foreign English teachers. Schools in South Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Thailand have all been able to sponsor visas and assist with relocation ...

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Upcoming Volunteer ESL Teaching Opportunities

Upcoming Volunteer ESL Teaching Opportunities Abroad

Want to make a difference in the world? Teach English and travel abroad as a volunteer ESL teacher. People volunteer to teach ESL abroad for many reasons: You may want to travel and learn the language of another country, or strengthen your resume with additional teaching experience, or you may volunteer to teach ESL overseas for the pure enjoyment of the experience. ...

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Top 6 ESL teaching destinations for new teachers

The Top 6 ESL Teaching Destinations for New Teachers

“All the job postings I see online require teaching experience, so what am I supposed to do if I’ve never taught before?” – That’s a common refrain we hear in the Job Placement Service at Oxford Seminars. But fear not, there are plenty of great positions for new English educators to get into the classroom and flesh out that ...

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Top Travel Experiences in Latin America

Top Travel Experiences in Latin America

International travelers love to visit Latin America—for good reason! The natural and cultural wonders of this region are perennial draws. If you live in the US or Canada, however, it may be a challenge to find time to visit all of the top attractions. Limited vacation time means that most people have to take several trips to truly experience ...

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The top 4 places to teach English abroad without a degree

The Top 4 places to teach English abroad without a Degree

"Do I need a bachelor's degree to teach English abroad?" is a question many aspiring ESL teachers ask, especially those who are trying to choose between getting their bachelor's degree right away or taking a gap year to do some traveling. It may seem like every school out there requires a BA, but the reality is no, you do not need a ...

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