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What's It Like Living in Japan as an ESL Teacher?

What’s It Like Living in Japan as an ESL Teacher?

“If there is an ideal time to visit Kyoto, it’s early April. With the cherry blossoms in full bloom, the city takes on an otherworldly persona. Despite the throngs of visitors, which provide continuous people-watching opportunities, there is a sense of calm, stillness, and peace as you pause to marvel at the exquisiteness of the cherry blossom, a shape ...

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4 tips for saving money while teaching in South Korea

4 Tips for Saving Money While Teaching English Abroad in South Korea

Teaching English abroad is a great way to save some money or pay off those crippling student loans. If you’re interested in teaching English in South Korea, most schools offer contracts that pay rent for you (unless otherwise specified, for whatever extenuating circumstances). Saving money before you leave is crucial for when you are just starting your ...

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Teach English in Laos

How We Got to Teach English to Monks in Laos

An Unexpected Opportunity to Teach English in Laos After our harrowing escape from the jungle tree house during the Gibbon Experience zipline adventure, we returned to Huay Xai for one more night before heading for Thailand. On the zipline trip, we shared our treehouses with two French travelers who had stayed in Huay Xai for a few nights earlier. ...

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Public Schools VS. Training Centers in China

When you’re first beginning in this wonderful world of ESL teaching, it can be daunting to know what is best for you. Do you know what country you want to teach in? Do you have all the requirements they ask for? Urban or rural? What grades and levels should you teach? What should you bring with you to your new home? ...

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What is it like living in Taiwan?

What is it like living in Taiwan Teaching English?

Discover why Taiwan is known as Ilha Formosa meaning ‘beautiful island’. From the hustle and bustle of Taipei to the beaches and tropical mountainous regions, Taiwan is a small country worth exploring. The cultural and religious hybrid of the island makes this a unique destination. Taiwan's economy consists of both smaller businesses and international manufacturing companies, making it a stable economic environment ...

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What is it like living in Thailand?

What is it Like Living in Thailand as an ESL Teacher?

Thailand, the “Land of Smiles,” is a great destination for ESL teachers who want to teach abroad and experience a country that’s rich in history, famous for its culinary arts, and replete with vacation destinations. Most ESL teaching positions here are in Bangkok, a beautiful and busy metropolis famous for its floating markets, spectacular sights, and delicious food. On ...

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The most important skill for any ESL teacher

The Most Important Skill for Any ESL Teacher

Improvisation! Whether you are traveling in your new country or teaching a class, things don't always go according to plan, so it is important to be able to think on the fly and improvise. Improvisation is the most important skill for any ESL teacher to have. Sometimes, your quick thinking is rewarded with an even better outcome than you ...

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