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How I started my adventure teaching ESL abroad - podcast

How I Started My Adventure Teaching ESL Abroad – Podcast

In this podcast, ESL teacher Michael Adams shares how he started teaching ESL abroad, his first experiences teaching and traveling in Japan, and how exploring the mountains and deserts of Oman made his life an adventure he will never forget while teaching English in the country. Want to learn more about Teaching English abroad? Visit a free information session near you or download a free course ...

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Top Travel Experiences in Latin America

Top Travel Experiences in Latin America

International travelers love to visit Latin America—for good reason! The natural and cultural wonders of this region are perennial draws. If you live in the US or Canada, however, it may be a challenge to find time to visit all of the top attractions. Limited vacation time means that most people have to take several trips to truly experience ...

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4 Reasons to teach ESL overseas

4 Reasons to Teach ESL Overseas – In Photos

The idea of living and teaching ESL abroad can seem daunting even to experienced travelers. The realities of living in a new country that may have an entirely different language and culture than your own are things that all travelers need to prepare for, but don't let anxiety about these factors stop you. There are so many reasons to teach ESL overseas, you'll ...

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My Experience Teaching English in China

My Experience Teaching English in China – Podcast

In this podcast, ESL teacher and Oxford Seminars Graduate Liam talks about his experiences teaching English in China, including why he decided to teach ESL abroad, where he was able to travel, seeing the Great Wall, and how teaching English overseas gave him more confidence and made him more independent. Liam Talks About Teaching English in China Want to learn ...

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How living abroad lets you experience new cultures

How Living Abroad Lets You Experience New Cultures

As a tourist, you never really get a full sense of another culture. Instead you only see a limited, surface view of the culture and never really get to experience how that culture actually feels and functions. Actually living in another country, on the other hand, can give you a much more in-depth and organic experience of that culture ...

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Why I decided to teach English in South Korea

Why I decided to teach English in South Korea – Podcast

In this podcast, Ryan talks about why he decided to teach English in South Korea, his favorite memories from South Korea, the friends he made while teaching English abroad, and the extensive travel opportunities teaching English abroad provided for him. Listen to Ryan talk about teaching English in South Korea Want to learn how you can teach English in South Korea ...

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The top 4 places to teach English abroad without a degree

The Top 4 places to teach English abroad without a Degree

"Do I need a bachelor's degree to teach English abroad?" is a question many aspiring ESL teachers ask, especially those who are trying to choose between getting their bachelor's degree right away or taking a gap year to do some traveling. It may seem like every school out there requires a BA, but the reality is no, you do not need a ...

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Making the most of your weekends while teaching ESL abroad

Making the most of your weekends while teaching ESL abroad

When your weekdays are filled with planning lessons and teaching English to class after enthusiastic class of students, time goes fast. This is good, because even though teaching English might be the greatest gig in the world, it still is …ahem… work. So when Friday rolls around, it is with a sigh of relief that you leave your school, ...

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6 Lifehacks for Living and Teaching ESL in South Korea

6 Lifehacks for Living and Teaching ESL in South Korea

If you’re anything like I was before I went to South Korea to teach English, you’ll have very little idea of what to expect when you arrive. While you’re not moving off to a different planet, the considerable difference between South Korean and North American cultures can certainly make it feel that way. Even though you’re deeply excited to ...

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