Many people decide to make the leap from living in their home country to teaching and traveling abroad. Teaching English abroad is a fascinating journey of adventure and self-exploration. The opportunity to immerse yourself in another culture is something that should be embraced with enthusiasm and vigor. However, you may not know exactly where and when you should look for ...
There are many articles out there about what it takes to be an ESL teacher, how to prepare for your journey overseas, and other aspects. These are important things to research to help you navigate the often complex pathways to your final destination. You may have also read about teachers dealing with culture shock abroad. Culture shock is completely normal and not ...
Now that we have completed our journey through South East Asia, we've arrived in our next travel destination: Dubai! Dubai is amazing. The enormous buildings, the desert sand, and the beautiful coastline... actually, amazing is an understatement. As we travel in Dubai, we quickly see that the city ...
Our adventures traveling, relaxing, and sailing in Cambodia have been fantastic, just like the rest of our trip throughout South East Asia. But, every once in a while travel plans can hit a snag, just as they did when we were getting ready to leave the island of Koh Rong Samloem, Cambodia. We had our tickets in hand as we approached the ...
Originally we were planning to hit Cambodia in the middle of our trip. We figured a few weeks relaxing on some of the best beaches in Southeast Asia would refresh and rejuvenate us for the second half of our adventure. As happens when you fly by the seat of your pants in Southeast Asia, plans changed (again). We decided ...
When people think of Cambodia, their minds usually gravitate to one of two things: the hellacious history of the Killing Fields or the spiritual splendor of Angkor Wat. After experiencing the gut wrenching stories of Cambodia's dark time during Pol Pot's reign, we continued our adventure teaching English and traveling abroad and ventured into Siem Reap, Cambodia's most heavily ...
When we arrived in Cambodia, we had three major stops we wanted to make. The first was Mondulkiri Elephant Sanctuary. Mondulkiri is the easternmost province of Cambodia. It's filled with lush jungle and rolling hills, and we were told it was a bit cooler than the rest of ...
After leaving Inle Lake, we prepared for the next major stop on our adventure: Cambodia. Before leaving Myanmar, we headed up to Mandalay for a few days to check out the city. We'd heard two differing reviews from other travelers of Myanmar's major centers: One said, “skip Yangon, it's dirty and there's not ...
When you come to Myanmar, there are three or four places everyone will say you must visit: Bagan, the main cities of Yangon and Mandalay, and Inle Lake. Inle Lake may be the most famous tourist destination among the Burmese people, and its floating villages and markets attract many tourists from within the country as well as travelers from ...
Bagan is unreal. Without question, it is one of the most amazing places we have ever seen. I cannot begin to describe the surreal beauty of thousands upon thousands of temples scattered throughout the mixed jungle/desert landscape. Pictures don't do it justice, despite us taking probably a few thousand photos during our few days here. ...