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How Much Do ESL Teachers Get Paid Overseas?

The average salary for K-12 teachers across the United States is about $45,000 per year. Of course this number varies greatly based on several factors, particularly location and experience. The same formula applies to ESL teachers abroad. Most people who decide to teach English overseas do so for the cultural experiences and travel opportunities. But there are others who ...

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3 Best Places to Teach English Abroad in 2016

Native English speakers have near-perpetual opportunities to teach all over the world because demand for instructors remains steady. But not all countries are created equal when it comes to pay, accommodations and adapting to your new surroundings. The following are the top three places I’ve taught in the past five years that provided a good balance of career satisfaction ...

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What if I feel homesick while teaching English abroad?

What If I Feel Homesick While Teaching English Abroad?

Teaching abroad is one of the most rewarding experiences one can involve themselves in. It is the perfect way to experience a new culture, meet new people, and learn a new language all while having a support system of co-workers that become something of a family away from home. At some point, however, everyone gets a bit homesick. Even the ...

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Friends riding elephant abroad

Time Off While Teaching Abroad? Volunteer With Elephants!

Volunteer With Elephants in Sri Lanka! About five years ago when I was teaching English at a college in Oman, I spent part of my summer vacation in Sri Lanka. The Millennium Elephant Orphanage there advertised for volunteers to work with their seven elephants in Kegalle, a town about an hour from the capital city of Colombo. I didn’t ...

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Experiencing Generous Culture and Making Friends in Japan

Making Friends as an ESL Teacher in Japan [Video]

In this Video, Oxford Seminars Instructor, Paul Workman recalls a story of a generous family he met while living and teaching English in Japan. The generosity of the Japanese Culture has stuck with him and resulted in long-lasting and valued relationships. These friendships helped him overcome the anxiety that can come with living in a new country, and embrace Japanese ...

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Teaching English & Exploring Nature in South Korea

Teaching English & Exploring Nature in South Korea

Part 2 in a series about an instructor visiting students while Teaching English abroad Read Part 1 Here When I first started teaching for Oxford Seminars, my wife and I had recently returned from teaching English in Jeonju, South Korea.  The prospective teachers who enrolled in my courses naturally asked me plenty of questions about my experiences there, and many were so impressed ...

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