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7 Lessons I Learned While Teaching English in South Korea

7 Lessons I Learned teaching English in South Korea

Read below for an interview with Julianna Will, who taught ESL in South Korea for two and a half years. In this article, Julianna answers questions about her first experience teaching and traveling in South Korea, from how she found a job teaching English in South Korea, to how she dealt with culture shock, to her advice for people thinking ...

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Education Grad? Gain Experience Teaching abroad

Education Grad? Here’s Why You Should Teach Abroad

Teaching is an attractive career choice for many university students, so it’s not surprising that the job market in education is very competitive. Whenever private and public schools post job openings, many qualified and experienced teachers apply. For new teachers, having two or more degrees isn’t enough when the experience section of their resume is thin. Coaching, volunteering and ...

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Using English and German in an ESL Classroom

Using English And German In An ESL Classroom

In this video, Oxford Seminars instructor, Peter Connell, speaks about the confusing situation he ran into with his German students when he said the German word, "gesundheit", after a student sneezed. His high-level students were confused when he explained that English speakers often borrow words and phrases from other languages like German and use them in every day speech, ...

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Video Recap: Magda and Brent in Hanoi, Vietnam

Video Recap: Magda and Brent in Hanoi

Where in the World Are Magda and Brent? A Recap of Their Experiences in Hanoi, Vietnam Check out the video below for a quick recap of Magda and Brent's journey throughout Asia, the Middle East, and Europe so far. In this video, Magda and Brent talk about their experiences as they travel in Hanoi, Vietnam, from buying and learning how ...

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Finding Short-Term Teaching Positions Abroad

Finding Short-term Teaching Positions Abroad

No time to teach English abroad? Think again! Teaching abroad is a life-changing experience.  The chance to live in a distant land, immerse oneself in another culture, and travel from a convenient home-base overseas is quite the opportunity.  While some find the idea of living and working in another country appealing, many of us never take the initiative to do ...

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5 Travel Tips for Anyone Teaching English in China

5 Travel Tips for Anyone Teaching English in China

So, you have your ESL teaching certificate; you have done all the research on the country you want to live in; you have a job lined up in that country; you have begun the tedious job of getting all your paperwork and travel arrangements in order; you have narrowed down your life to fit in a few suitcases. Now, ...

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Where in the World Are Magda and Brent? Magda and Brent Explore Vietnam

Explore Vietnam by Motorcycle While Teaching ESL Abroad

Explore the Mountains of Vietnam by Motorcycle The ride through Vietnam to Sa Pa is breathtaking. Breathtaking in its beauty with northern Vietnam's vast expanses of green and high mountain passes, but also breathtaking in the tension and endless "oh-my-god-we-are-going-to-die" moments as trucks and buses pass you while even more buses and trucks barrel down the other side of what is essentially ...

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How Teaching ESL Allowed Me To Travel Around The World

How Teaching ESL Allowed me to Travel Around the World

Thinking of teaching English abroad? Let me tell you how it enriched my life and opened me up to a world of travel. After completing a bachelor degree in music, I decided to travel to Japan to perform and teach instead of immediately immersing myself in graduate studies. I wanted to be absolutely certain about the field of work I ought to prepare to ...

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