English teachers abroad can have a great impact on their students, and you might find yourself being asked to form or supervise an extracurricular English club. This is a great opportunity — for reasons you might overlook! For the students, of course, these clubs provide a fun and engaging environment to chat with a native English speaker, get extra help ...
Let’s time travel back to February 2021: I had just turned 25 and had quite literally a quarter-life crisis. The pandemic had undoubtedly put a pin in my previous plans of becoming a lawyer, and I was now a manager at the same job that I had been working at since I was 16 years old. I never wanted ...
For new ESL teachers on their way overseas, there’s a lot to think about – contracts, language and cultural differences, how to teach effectively and, of course, living arrangements. In Japan and Korea, this last one can work a little differently than in other countries, and so it seems worthy of a closer look. When moving to Korea or ...
If you are an English teacher from the United States, Korea is probably one of the best places you could go. The people are wonderful, the food is fantastic, the weather is moderate, and the scenery is excellent. Once you arrive here, you may find yourself in a big city or a rural county. If you are in a ...
One common question that often arises for teachers over the age of 50 who are considering embarking on the journey to teach English overseas is: are there teaching positions available for mature teachers? Although the idea of teaching English abroad often conjures up images of young, recent university graduates, there are many opportunities available in the ESL world for more ...
Getting a work visa to teach English overseas is, for many prospective teachers, a bit like going to the dentist – it’s not something we’re looking forward to with eager anticipation, but we know it’s important and has to be done. It’s also very common for a number of questions to arise when contemplating the topic of work visa ...
Having a bachelor’s degree opens many doors in the world of TEFL, but for those without a bachelor's traveling the world to teach English as a foreign language is still very much an adventure worth pursuing! In Latin America, Oxford Seminars' Job Placement Service contacts in Brazil and Mexico prefer degree holders or current post-secondary students; however, they will ...
I was walking through the Eaton Center in downtown Toronto, Canada a few days ago when a store called Reiwatakiya caught my eye. It looked like a whimsical beauty store, and when I walked inside it, I saw – to ...
Western Europe, home to numerous countries famous for fashion, food, wine, old-world architecture, and culture, is one of the most highly sought-after regions for EFL teachers. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the most difficult places to find a school willing to sponsor a work visa. Germany offers one solution that may be music to the ears of job seekers ...
At long last borders opened in March, 2022 to some of the biggest TEFL markets in Asia, with governments in Japan, Taiwan and Vietnam all announcing the easing of COVID-19 entry restrictions for those crossing their borders for work. JAPAN Easing of Long-Awaited Border Restrictions Finally Announced In fact, the government of Japan announced on March 1st that for ...