How Much Can I Earn?
Monthly Salary:
277 - 1,236 USD
Private Tutoring per Hour:
50 - 100 BRL
9 - 18 USD
Income Tax Rate:
0 - 25%
Ability to Save per Year:
What Are My Benefits?
Sometimes included or allowance may be given
Rarely included
Health Care:
Supplementary healthcare recommended
Sometimes paid
What Will Teaching Be Like?
Teaching Hours:
20 - 30
Typical Contract Length:
One year or less
Typical Start Date:
February/March, July/August
Application Timeline:
1 - 3 months
What Do I Need?
Work Visa:
Assistance not typically included
Education Requirements:
High School Diploma; Bachelor's Degree preferred,
Oxford Seminars TESOL/TESL/TEFL Certificate
Additional Notes:
Large but competitive ESL market; positions range from public and private schools, tertiary institutions, language schools, and private tutoring; it can be very challenging to find a school that is willing and able to sponsor a work visa.
Expected Apartment Costs
Food Costs
Expected Apartment Costs
Apartment costs are higher in Rio De Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Brasilia, but more affordable in cities like Porto Alegre and Florianopolis. The same modest apartment in Rio De Janeiro, Sao Paulo or Brasilia costing R$2,000/month or higher may only cost R$1,500/month in Porto Alegre. Apartment costs also decline significantly outside of the city centers, often by as much as 40%. Sometimes student housing near universities is available and more affordable.
Brazil’s once cash-only economy is moving to a more modern debit and credit card system. ATMs are readily accessible and many accept foreign cards, allowing you to withdraw the local currency from an account in one’s home country.
Most banks in Brazil are open Monday through Friday, 10:00 - 16:00, and have at least one English speaking employee. There are many private and state-owned banks throughout Brazil, and a few international banks, including, HSBC and Citibank.
Even though online banking is available, many Brazilians choose to do their banking and pay their bills in person, making lengthy queues something to anticipate.
The following documentation is required in order to open a bank account in Brazil:
- A valid foreigner's identity card (Cédula de Identidade para Estrangeiro - CIE) which contains the Registro Nacional De Estrangeiro (RNE)
- Individual Taxpayer’s number (Cadastro de Pessoa Física - CPF, also referred to as Cadastro Individual de Contribuintes - CIC)
- Proof of domicile (e.g. utility bill in the name of the person opening the account)
A couple of tips:
- ESL teachers should take start up money to cover initial set up costs, apartment costs and other living expenses prior to receiving first paycheck
- Credit card companies in one’s home country should be made aware of one’s relocation so that they don’t freeze accounts when they see charges in another country (unusual pattern)
- Caution should be exercised when using ATM machines by covering the keypad when entering the PIN
Food Costs
The cost of living in Brazil is quite low; however, the purchase of imported goods is generally higher than prices state-side. The following table provides ESL teachers with examples of average food costs in Brazil.
- 1 Liter Milk - BRL$5.20
- 1 kg. Chicken Breast - BRL$20.32
- 1 kg. Rice - BRL$5.80
- 1 kg. Potatoes - BRL$5.16
- 1 kg. Bananas - BRL$5.45
- Loaf of White Bread - BRL$7.12
- 1 Dozen Eggs - BRL$9.65
- Head of Leaf Lettuce - BRL$3.40
- Bottled Water (1.5L) - BRL$3.25